When exporting expense items to Bill.com as vendor bills, all employees who will be using Nexonia need to be created in Bill.com as Vendors. The Bill.com Vendor list will be imported in Nexonia via the configuration sync. Nexonia Users are then created manually in Nexonia and linked to a Bill.com profile in the export settings.
Follow these instructions to create new users in Nexonia:
1. Ensure employees are set up as Vendors in Bill.com.
Tip: Consider naming the Bill.com vendors in such a way so they're easy to find in your vendor list. As an example "Employee: Tom Jones".
2. Log in to Nexonia as an administrator on the web and run a configuration sync between Bill.com and Nexonia. To do this, go to the Integration/Bill.com tab > Configuration Sync and click on the Synchronize Now button. This will import the Vendor list from Bill.com making each Vendor profile available in Nexonia.
3. In Nexonia, go to Settings > Users > Users > Add. Once you click Add you’ll see a blank template under the User settings tab. Enter the details for this user profile. While many of these fields are optional, you are required to provide the following information at a minimum:
- Email Address
- First Name
- Last Name
- Role - The role defines their permissions in Nexonia; typically, most will be User.
4. Click Apply. The new user has now been created.
5. Last, go to the export settings to map this new user to their vendor record.
Helpful Tips:
Manager: As you add users in Nexonia, they will appear as a selection option from the "Manager" dropdown menu. In some instances, and depending on your company's approval process, the "Manager" may be how Nexonia knows who to send the expense report to for approval. In this instance, be sure to select the user's manager from the dropdown menu.
Customer (Default) and Project (Default): Default values for users can be set in Nexonia for integrated dimensions such as Customer, Project, Department, Location, or Class.
Login credentials will not be issued automatically to the Nexonia user upon adding them as a User, unless initiated by the Nexonia Administrator.
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