Custom fields can be used in Nexonia Expenses to capture additional details and can be used for reporting purposes.
Some examples of Custom Fields for Expenses:
- Add a “Business Purpose” field for specific expense categories.
- Add “Travel Details” for travel-based expense categories.
- Add “License Number” for software expense categories.
- Capture the “Paid to Merchant” information from credit card transactions.
- Capture credit card transaction details to a dedicated Read Only field.
Nexonia Custom Fields are created by the administrator directly in Nexonia. Custom fields can be filtered, defaulted, have role-based permissions such as Read Only or Write, or be set as required or optional.
Creating and Configuring Custom Fields
Log in to Nexonia as an administrator.
Navigate to Setup > Company > Custom Fields
You’ll see a tab for “Expense”
- To add a field, click Add.
- To modify a field, navigate to the field you wish to modify and click the Edit (pencil icon) to edit it.
Once you configure the custom field, click the Apply button to save the configuration.
Here are the custom field settings for expenses:
Level – Where do you want the field to appear?
The Custom Field can appear at one of three levels:
- Item – Expense Item field
- Report – Expense Report field
- Pre-Approval – Pre-Approval field (only applicable if using the Pre-Approval feature)
Name – Name of the field.
Number - the internal ID for this field, which would typically be used if this field is being included in an export file. It may be text or numeric.
Type – You can create a custom field based on different types of input options:
- Text – open text field
- Date – date-based entry field
- Boolean – Yes or No option
- Select – presents a list of values created by the administrator as Choices in a dropdown menu. When this Type is selected, a Choices field will appear where you’ll add the Choices they can choose from. You can type them, or copy and paste the values in from an external document.
- Select user – presents a list of the Nexonia users in a dropdown menu.
- Select a name/value - presents a list of values created by the administrator in a dropdown menu. The name or label would be what the user sees, the value would be a corresponding value linked to that name and typically used in an export report. When this Type is selected, a Choices field will appear where you’ll add the Choices they can choose from. You can type them, or copy and paste the values in from an external document.
- Amount – amount entry field
- Select multiple name/value – redundant
Required – Per your needs, you can set your custom field required or optional
- Yes – required
- No – optional
- Yes, if Policy Warning – the field will only be required if the item triggers a policy warning
Filter –You can filter the custom field to be accessible depending on the type of filtering value. For example, making the field only appear for specific expense categories rather than all of them, or for specific projects. For each type of filter, there is a section where you would apply the filter:
Project level – If used, you will apply the filter here:
Customer > Project > Edit a project > Custom Field Tab
For more information, see our article on Filtering a Custom Field by Project
Expense Category level – If used, you will apply the filter here:
Setup > Company > Expense > Edit a category > Custom Field Tab
For more information, see our article on Filtering a Custom Field by Expense Category
User level – If used, you will apply the filter here:
Setup > User > Edit a user > Custom Field Tab
For more information, see our article on Filtering a Custom Field by User
Project Type level – If used, you will apply the filter here:
Setup > Company > Other > Project Type > Edit a project Type > Custom Field Tab
For more information, see our article on Filtering a Custom Field by Project Type
Region level – If used, you will apply the filter here:
Setup > Company > Region > Edit a region > Custom Field Tab
For more information, see our article on Filtering a Custom Field by Region
Default Value – the default value for the custom field can be set to:
Last Value: If no value set before, once the user sets one in an expense item or report, it will be kept until the user changes it again
Creation Date (available only for Type: Date)
By User: When editing a user profile in the Setup section, a new field to set the default value will be displayed for the administrator. Applies for Expenses (item/report or pre-approval per the custom field type).
Number – numeric value associated with this field. This would typically be used in reporting or exports if needed.
Role Permissions – you can set whether this field is visible or editable based on roles, such as making it Read Only for Users, but Write permission for Administrators or other specific roles.
Yes / No – if you select “Yes” then you’ll see options appear for Role Permissions.
Example: We check Administrator: Write and User: Read.
This means only someone with Administrator privileges can edit the custom field from expense level for yourself or other users. If a User sees the field, they only have the right to see it, but won't have the ability to edit it from expense level.
Note: if the custom field is required and you’re limiting a Role Permission of a User to “Read” only, you’ll need to set up a default value in the User record, otherwise the User would be unable to submit the expense.
NPI Required – This is only relevant if using the Nexonia feature Support Medical Attendees, which supports U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Physician Payment Transparency Program requirements. This field will be made Required if there is at least one National Provider Identifier (NPI) attendee listed as an attendee on the expense.
NPI Only –This is only relevant if using the Nexonia feature Support Medical Attendees, which supports U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Physician Payment Transparency Program requirements.
No: The custom field will always appear when selected expense category has Attendees enabled.
Yes: The custom field will only appear if at least one attendee has an NPI number.
Structured List – Only applies to custom field Types like “Select” or “Select a Name/Value”. This allows for the creation of a structured list of values: the user would choose an initial value, and see a sub menu of options appear. The structure will recognize a colon “:” to define the structure.
2 levels
ex: from the Choices list, if you define values like (2 levels): "a:a", "a:b", then from expense view, from the custom field drop down list, when you select the value "a", then from its structured drop down list, it will display the sub values: "a" and "b"
N levels
ex: if you want to define the 3 structured levels, the values can be defined like(3 levels): "a:b:1", "a:b:2", "a:c:1", "a:c:2", that means the value "a" has 2 sub-values: "b" and "c", and for each "b" or "c", it also has its sub-values: "1" and "2", so from the Expense view, when you select "a", it should display a drop down list where it contains its sub-values: "c" and "b", and when selecting "b" or "c", each value should also contain its sub-structured drop down list
Example: Your Type is “Select a Name/Value” and Structured List is set to 2 levels. In your list of value choices, you list “Office: Toronto”, Office: New York, Office: Chicago, Remote: Canada, Remote: United States”. With a structured list, the user would make the selection for “Office” or “Remote”, and then see the subsequent filtered list.
Copy on Split – If “Yes”, it means the custom field can also be applied for items being run through a split.
Item Type – If set, this allows you to filter so that the custom field only appears for certain types of expense, typically Standard (Reimbursed to Employee) and Company Paid
If set, show this custom filed only to checked type:
- Standard
- Personal
- Company Standard
- Company Personal
- Company Card standard
- Company Card Personal
Credit Card |
Paid by |
Reimburse |
Use case |
Company Card Personal |
Yes |
Company |
Yes |
The expense is for the employee but was made with the company card, the employee will have to reimburse the company |
Company Card standard |
Yes |
Company |
No |
The expense is for the company and was made with the company card, nothing to reimburse |
Company Personal |
No |
Company |
Yes |
The expense is for personal use but was made with the company cash, the employee will have to reimburse the company |
Company Standard |
No |
Company |
No |
The expense is for the company and was made with the company cash, nothing to reimburse |
Personal |
Yes or No |
Employee |
No |
The expense is for the employee and was made by the employee card or cash, nothing to reimburse |
Standard |
Yes or No |
Employee |
Yes |
The expense is for the company and was made by the employee card or cash, the company will have to reimburse the employee |
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