Once logged into Nexonia, from the home screen, either click on Payables along the navigation bar or click on the Accounts Payable icon on the welcome page.
On your Payables page, you'll find the following information:
- Adding new Accounts Payable Bills
- A filter to search for a specific Vendor's bills you've created previously
- Status icons
- Internal Nexonia AP reference number
- Vendor selected for the bill
- Employee's name who created the bill
- Approver's name assigned to review bill (if submitted)
- Invoice Number & Date
- Memo information entered within the bill
- Total value of bill
Click the green Add button to create a new bill. Double click on an existing bill or click the action drop down on the left and select edit to make edits/changes to a bill.
Note: If you want to link a bill to a previously approved purchase order in Nexonia, follow this guide instead: How to Link an Accounts Payable Bill to a Purchase Order
Begin by selecting a Vendor. Click on the magnifying glass next to Choose Vendor to bring up a list of available vendors in your organization.
Search for your vendor by either scrolling through the list or typing their name in the search field. Once you have found your vendor, click the arrow to populate them in the bill.
In the Bill Details section, the fields you will be asked to fill may vary by organization (if you need help understanding what information needs to be filled in, please speak with your administrator). This information applies to the entire bill and will not need to be specified at an item level. (ie. the bill is for a single department). Any fields highlighted in red text indicate a mandatory field.
Below the Bill Details section will be the Items section. Again, the fields available for you may vary by organization. However, the information entered here can be different on a line by line level. Typically, at very least, you will need to fill in an item description, fill in a quantity and a price per unit.
Note: The quantity will be multiplied by the price to calculate the total for the line item.
You can add more blank rows by clicking on the Add Item button. The drop down next to it allows you to add a bulk amount of blank rows.
Next, you may be required to enter a Memo for the bill. This is typically where additional details go that your approvers or finance teams need to be aware of.
Finally, if made available by your administrators, you can upload attachments to the bill after you have entered all the mandatory fields above. Click on Add Attachment > Choose File > Select your file > Open > Ok. You can add multiple attachments and delete ones no longer needed.
In the top & bottom right corners of the bill are options to:
- Print - allows you to print the bill
- Save - saves the bill in draft status allowing you to close out and come back to the bill at a later time.
- Delete - deletes the entire bill
- Submit - submits your bill into the approval workflow
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