Nexonia Administrators can manage the approval workflow under Settings > Users > Approval.
In Nexonia, an approval process is the flow that an entry will take from the point of submission to full approval. Approval processes can be a single step or multiple steps based on a combination of criteria.
Approval steps can be Editable (Yes/No).
If Editable is set to No, the approver will not have the ability to edit entries during the approval stage.
If Editable is set to Yes, the approver will have the ability to edit entries during the approval stage. If the approval step is editable, an email notification can be sent to the author informing them if their entry has be modified/edited by the approver.
Follow the instructions below to set an approval step as editable and to notify the author via email if edits have been made by the approver.
Settings > Users > Approval > Modify/Edit Approval Process > Choose Step > Editable - Yes > Notify On Edit.
To learn more about how to set up an approval process see Configuration Guide to Nexonia Approvals.
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