Nexonia allows an approver to assign a temporary approval proxy on your behalf, based on a specific date range. As proxy, you'll have permission to approve expenses on behalf of the original approver both on the web and on mobile.
Note: any items submitted will be available in the original approver’s queue.
Link: How to Set Up Your Temporary Approval Proxy
Acting as an Approval Proxy on the Web
When logged in to Nexonia, click on the Approvals tab. From the drop down list where your name is, if there are any items waiting approval for your colleague, their name will be listed. You will be able to select their name and be able to review and take action on these items. In the example below, we are Tom and have been granted temporary approval proxy access on behalf of Edward.
Once you have selected your colleague's name, you will see all submissions still awaiting their approval. You will have the same permissions to act upon the content as your colleague would.
See Article on: Expense Approvals on Nexonia's Web Application to learn more about how to approve expenses.
Acting as an Approval Proxy on the Mobile App
To gain access on behalf of your colleague on the mobile app, please refer to the instructions How to Proxy on the Mobile Application to get setup first. After you are setup, you'll be able to navigate from the homescreen on the mobile app, tap on your name to switch from your account to your colleague. This will sync first your data with Nexonia's servers and will then sync your colleague's account to your app.
Note: While you will see the standard set of icons (Reports, Add Report, Add Item), you will only be able to action within Approvals.
Tap on Approvals to review any submitted content. For more information on how to approve, see article on: Expense Approvals on Nexonia's Mobile Application
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