Business (Company Paid) Credit Cards can be integrated with Nexonia, providing daily automated credit card feeds directly to users. Automatically capturing credit card transactions in Nexonia allows you to conveniently link credit card transactions directly into your expense reports.
There are several credit card sources used to integrate the credit card transaction feed. The PEX source type can be used for integration with PEX cards.
This article shows you how to add a credit card feed with the PEX cards source type.
Step 1: On your Nexonia homepage, click the Integration tab.
Please Note: The Integration tab will be to the right of the Reporting tab. It may be labeled with the name of your ERP/Accounting System.
Step 2: Click Integration Setup.
Step 3: Click Add Corporate Cards.
Step 4: Enter details on the Corporate Card Transaction Source screen:
- Name: The name of the card as seen by the Administrator
- Label: The name of the card as seen by the User
- Description: The type of card for reporting purposes
- Source Type: Choose PEX Cards
Step 5: Click the Source Configuration tab. This section automatically defaults, but you can change the settings as needed. Important fields are:
- Paid By: Select Employee if you are responsible for paying the corporate credit card and receive reimbursement. If your company pays the card, leave the default to Company.
- Memo is read-only: Credit card transactions import with extra information, such as Vendor, Reference, and Description. These show in the Expense Item memo field. Mark this checkbox to prevent memos from being modified or deleted. Leave blank if you want to be able to change memos after they are imported.
- Active: You can pause or unpause a credit card feed as needed. Mark the checkbox to import charges on this card. Leave unmarked if you no longer want to have charges imported from this card.
For more information on these settings, please see Corporate Card Transaction Feed: Source Configuration.
Step 6: Click the Source Type Configuration: PEX Cards tab to configure the credit card integration.
- Scheduling: Click Edit. Then, check Activate Scheduling and Everyday. Click OK to complete. This setting imports transactions on a daily basis
- Card Type: Select the type of card
- Authorize Nexonia: This takes you to the PEX login website. In order for this link to forward you to the login page, you first have to fill out the other information for the card integration in Nexonia and click OK to save. When you open the integration again, you'll be forwarded to the PEX login by clicking Authorize Nexonia
- Currency: Select the currency for your credit card
- Override Statement: If your credit card feed doesn't provide a statement date, configure this setting to apply a recurring statement date to transactions imported from this source. See Setting an Override Statement for further details
- Sen Alerts for duplicate transactions to: Enter an email address where alerts should be sent
Step 7: When complete, click OK.
Step 8: Click the Cards tab.
Step 9: Choose the feed you just created in the Card Sources drop-down menu.
Step 10: Clicking Transfer imports and displays the number of transactions imported. Otherwise, it shows an error message. If transactions are imported, the next steps are to assign the card(s) imported on the new feed, filter out old charges you've already reconciled, and map the card to the integration software.
Your Business Card is now integrated with Nexonia!
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