There may not always be an available connection for your personal card in Nexonia. If you have tried integrating your personal credit card Nexonia using any associated financial institutions and are unable to connect, you can manually upload the transactions using an upload template file.
This article will show you how to manually upload personal card transactions.
Step 1: Open the Expenses page, then click the Reports tab.
Step 2: Click Cards.
Step 3: Click Manage Cards.
Step 4: The Cards window opens. Click Add Card for Manual Upload to set up an automated import of your personal credit card.
Step 5: This is the Card Transactions window. This is where you can set up the upload format for the credit card. Enter the following information:
- Name: This is the name that will be displayed when you view the transactions. For example (your name): Personal Card.
- Description: This is the description of the card. You can use the same information entered in the Name field.
- Card Type: Pick the type of card you're adding (American Express, Visa, MasterCard)
- File Format: Select the File Format of the credit card transaction file. This is how the upload knows which information is which. Copy the format columns that appear to the right of Select - (card name) into the header line of a .csv spreadsheet.
- Lines in Header: This is typically set to 1, as you will have the Header row populated with the columns you pasted into the spreadsheet in the File Format section.
- Encoding: Leave at the default of ISO-8859-1
- Active: Check this box.
Step 6: Click OK when complete.
Step 7: The upload format for your card has now been created. Click Close to complete.
Step 8: Now that the card is entered, download a .csv file of the prepared spreadsheet containing your transaction data. Then, navigate back to the Card Transactions page within the Expenses tab.
Step 9: In the top left corner you'll see the name of the card you'll upload the statement for. If you have more than one card for your profile, there may be a drop-down menu where you need to select your personal card.
Step 10: Click Upload. This will bring up a window where you'll be asked to select a file to upload. Choose the .csv file with your transaction data.
Step 11: Click Choose File. This will open a window in your computer where you can navigate and find the .csv file you want to upload.
Step 12: Select the file you want to upload. Click OK.
Please Note: The file you upload must be in .csv format.
Step 13: The imported transactions will now be listed under this card and can be linked to your expense reports.
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