Receipts are uploaded to the Receipt Wallet and assigned to an expense report. From there, receipts can be linked to specific expense items within the report.
Adding Receipts from the Receipt Wallet
When logged in to your Nexonia account on the web, navigate to the Expenses module.
Step 1: Click on Receipt Wallet to start uploading or assigning receipts to expense reports.
Step 2: Add receipts to the Wallet via Email or by Uploading them from a desktop.
Upload: Prompts you to upload a receipt image from your computer. The following file formats are supported: JPG, PNG. Note: you can also easily drag and drop files to a designated area in Nexonia to start the upload.
E-mail: Opens a dialogue box with detailed instructions and easy-to-follow links that allow you to email receipts into your report. You can email receipts to as either image attachments, or forwarding an email - whether they are attachments or a text-only email. See Adding Expense Receipts via Email to learn more!
Note: receipts added via Email will be available in your report within 5 minutes. You’ll be emailed a confirmation when the receipt has been added.
Step 3: Select the receipt, then click the Arrow/Checkmark icon to move it to an expense report.
Step 4: The Select Report window opens. From here, users can either add the receipt to a new expense report, or an already existing report.
Adding Receipts to Existing Expense Reports
From inside the expense report, receipts can either be added directly from within an Add Expense Item window, or from the Manage Receipts area found inside the expense report.
"Add Expense Item" window
"Manage Receipts" area
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