Users can ignore or hide transactions from their personal credit card feed. Typically, these are personal charges that do not need to be expensed or reimbursed by the company. The “Ignore” function allows you to filter or hide these transactions from your view. You can always “Un-Ignore” if you need to bring the charges back into view.
Log in to Nexonia on the web.
- Go to the Expenses tab.
- Click Reports >> Cards.
Note: If there's more than one credit card linked to your account, you can select the specific card from the dropdown menu.
Tips: you can sort this list by date by clicking on the Transaction Date in the header; you can also check off multiple items by checking the first item, holding down your “Shift” key on your keyboard, and using your mouse to select the last item of the range. All items in the range will be checked off.
- Check off any card transactions you wish to ignore.
- Click Ignore.
- Click OK to confirm.
Ignoring Corporate/ Business Card Transactions
By default, only administrators have the ability to hide or ignore corporate or business credit card transactions; non-administrators are prevented from ignoring credit card transactions.
After logging in as an Administrator, follow the same process listed in the previous section.
To prevent non-admins from ignoring transactions, navigate to the Integration tab > Integration Setup tab > Click Edit next to the existing credit card source.
- Yes (default) limits the ability to ignore transactions to only Administrators only.
- No will allow Users to ignore or un-ignore transactions.
To learn more about how to setup and configure a business or corporate credit card integration see Corporate Card Transaction Feed: Source Configuration.
Once a transaction is ignored, you'll now see a checkbox to "Include Ignored Transactions". Check this box to have any previously ignored transactions reappear. If you'd like to bring a previously ignored transaction back in to view, select the transaction by checking the box next to the charge and then click the "Un-Ignore" button.
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