Use the Company Hotel Preferences page to customize hotel policy for a given company.
This article will show you, a TMC Administrator, how to update company hotel preferences.
Step 1: On the Nexonia Travel homepage of the company, select Policy Setup in the Admin menu. Then, Company Hotel Preferences.
Step 2: The Company Hotel Preferences section opens. Click the pencil icon to make updates using the Company Hotel Preferences page.
Default maximum hotel rate
A company may request that certain hotels be filtered out of traveler searches based on a maximum pricing amount.
To accomplish this, go to the Default maximum hotel rate field and enter the maximum rate (provided to you by the company), then Save to update the company’s policy.
The amount entered in this box is used when travelers shop for hotels in Nexonia Travel. Any room with nightly rate exceeding the amount indicated in this field are filtered out (excluded) and the traveler does not see them for selection.
Including Negotiated Rate Codes
Negotiated rate codes come from the Global Distribution System (GDS) (Sabre, Amadeus, Navitaire, etc.).
Use the Negotiated rate codes section to enter company-specific codes. When you enter negotiated rate codes in this section, rooms with these rate codes are included in traveler searches for this company.
Excluding Non-refundable Rooms
Use the checkbox(es) to establish non-refundable room rate policy.
Exclude non-refundable rooms:
- Leave this checkbox unmarked to include non-refundable rooms in searches.
- Mark this checkbox if the company does not want their travelers to see non-refundable rooms in searches.
When marked, the Allow non-refundable room for same day check-in requests checkbox appears.
Allow non-refundable room for same day check-in requests:
Mark this checkbox to make only non-refundable rooms booked on the same day visible in searches.
This is useful for cases where a traveler wants to make a current-day booking that is inside the cancellation policy for all available rooms (which causes all rooms to be non-refundable).
Excluding Rate Descriptions
Use Excluding Rate Descriptions if there are room rates a company needs to exclude from user search results. Enter keywords or text strings (that show in those room rates descriptions) in the Excluding Rate Descriptions field. Some examples of rates often excluded are government rates, agency rates, or AAA rates.
In the Excluding Rate Descriptions field, enter a text line for each room description to exclude. For example, if you enter AAA RATE, all rooms with AAA RATE in the description are excluded from traveler searches for this company.
In this example, the rooms with AAA rate would be excluded from searches:
The entry must exactly match the text in a room description to be excluded. (Case does not matter.) For example, when AAA MEMBER is entered:
- If AAA MEMBER is found in a room description, the room is excluded.
- If AAA MEMBERSHIP is found in a room description, the room is NOT excluded, and the room appears in traveler searches. Instead, you need to add a line with the text AAA MEMBERSHIP.
- If AAA is found in a room description, the room is NOT excluded. You need to add a text line of AAA.
Example of individual text lines:
Updating Keywords for Contract Room Rates
Use the Include Rate Descriptions for HotelContract1.gif icon placement section to update keywords to identify hotel contract room rates.
Include Rate Descriptions for HotelContract1.gif icon placement section fields:
Apply only to hotels returned as contacts: Mark this checkbox to pull in only those hotels with contracts with the company.
Contract Rates are valid if the room description contains:
Enter a text line for each room description to include. Text must match exactly. For example, when ABC INC is entered:
- If ABC INC is found in a room description the room is included in user searches.
- If ABC INCORPORATED is found in a room description the room is NOT included in user searches. Instead, a text line ofABC INCORPORATED needs to be added.
- If ABC is found in a room description, the room is NOT included in searches. Instead, add a text line of ABC.
Click Save to save your changes.
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