Creating expense items from card transactions provide an alternate way of creating expense items when an expense was incurred through a credit card. Required information such as transaction date, vendor and total will be automatically populated when adding from a card transaction.
Users that have their personal credit card or company credit card linked to their account can create expense items with the card transactions that come through to Nexonia.
To create an expense item from a card transaction, open an existing expense report or create a new one. Click on Add from Card Transaction. Select the desired transaction(s) by clicking the checkbox on the corresponding row; select a Category from the drop down list and any other mandatory value.
Click Create and Close.
Users can then go into the expense item and add a receipt if required, add/edit any additional information that may be necessary and submit it for approval when the report is complete.
Note: If you have multiple cards linked to your account you will have to choose the card with the transactions that need to be added from the drop down list next to “Manage Cards”.
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