The ability for administrators to add a corporate (company paid) credit card feed is enabled by default on new Nexonia accounts. Administrators can enable or disable this feature, and others related to the ability to use credit card transactions in an expense report.
Navigate to Settings > Company > Features
Click the Edit button to edit the features.
The credit card specific features are in the Expense Reports section:
Track Card Transactions - this must be enabled if you wish to use credit card transactions in the expense reports.
Automated Corporate Card Transactions - this must be enabled if you wish to integrate a company paid credit card into Nexonia.
Automated Personal Card Transactions - if enabled, this allows users to add a personal credit card to Nexonia.
Additional settings can be enabled to allow or limit how card transactions can be used:
Add expense items only from Card Transactions - enabling this feature removes the ability for employees to manually create expense items, and limits them to only being able to use credit card transactions in the expense report. This would only be used if users will never need to create any out of pocket expenses.
Prevent personal cards from being created as company paid (common) - this setting prevents users from setting transactions from a personal credit card as being "company paid" and non-reimbursable.
Automatically find categories for card transactions (statistics on previous associations) - this allows Nexonia to suggest expense categories based on the transaction's merchant category code (MCC). After the 5th time a category is used with a specific MCC, the system will start to pre-suggest the category for any transactions with the MCC moving forward.
Disable deleting card transactions - if enabled, this removes the ability for users to delete transactions from their personal credit card transactions. Note, only personal card transactions have any options to be deleted in Nexonia.
Enforce one card statement date per report - this feature prevents users from mixing transactions from multiple statement dates in a single report, and also prevents mixing company paid and reimbursable expense in the same expense report.
For more details on this particular setting, please see the following article:
Prevent Mixing Company Paid Card and Reimbursable Expenses
Additional Features: Enforce One Card Statement Date Per Report
Map Card 'Description', Map Card 'Reference', Map Card 'Vendor' - by default, Nexonia will map the description, reference, and vendor information from a credit card transaction into the expense item memo field. These settings allow you to map these pieces of information into either a native or custom field in Nexonia. If "none" is selected, the information will not be included on the expense item.
For more details on how to create custom fields for mapping, please see the following article:
Creating Custom Fields in Nexonia Expenses
Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click the Apply button to update your feature settings.
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