Business (Company Paid) Credit Cards can be integrated with Nexonia, providing daily automated credit card feeds directly to your users. Automatically capturing credit card transactions in Nexonia allows you to conveniently link credit card transactions directly into your expense reports. There are several credit card sources we can use to integrate the credit card transaction feed.
The Finicity source type can be used for a wide variety of institutions supported in the US and Canada.
Corporate Card Transactions: Adding a New Corporate Card Transaction Source
These instruction will lead you through adding a credit card through the Source type.
Navigate to:
Integration* > Integration Setup> Click on Add Corporate Cards.
*The Integration tab will be to the right of the Reporting tab, and may be labelled with the name of your ERP/Accounting System.
The "Corporate Card Transaction Source" window will appear.
Enter Name and select Source Type
Name = the name of the card as seen by the Administrator
Label = the name of the card as seen by the User
Description = type of card for reporting purposes
Source Type: Finicity
There will be two tabs:
- Source Configuration: These are the expense item defaults for any credit card transactions imported via this source.
- Source Type Configuration: This is where you'll configure the integration for the credit card.
Corporate Card Transaction Source: Source Configuration
Select the Source Configuration Settings tab - these settings define defaults to be applied to the transactions brought in via this source. Source configuration settings will be automatically defaulted; however, you can change these default settings as needed. The main ones to be aware of:
- Paid By allows you to indicate whether the credit card transactions are paid by the Company or reimbursable to the Employee. Typically, this is only changed if employees are responsible for paying the corporate credit card themselves.
- Memo is read only: (default = Unchecked) Credit card transactions arrive in Nexonia with extra information, such as Vendor, Reference, and Description. By default, these go to the Expense Item memo field. You can prevent them from being modified or deleted by checking this box.
- Active allows you to “pause” or “unpause” a credit card feed if necessary. As long as this box is checked, all charges will be imported from this card. If unchecked, the card is Inactive and no charges will be imported.
For more details on these settings, please read Corporate Card Transaction Feed: Source Configuration
Corporate Card Transaction Source: Source Type Configuration
Under Source Type Configuration, enable the following:
- Scheduling: click Edit > check Activate Scheduling and Everyday > OK. This setting requests the feed to import transactions on a daily basis.
- Override Statement: if the credit card feed doesn't provide a statement date, you can configure this setting to apply a recurring statement date to any transactions imported from this source. See: Setting an Override Statement Date.
- Inverse Transactions: if the transaction feed deliver the amount as a negative value, this setting will display a positive amount to the user.
- Marked as duplicate transactions: allows you to flag duplicate credit card transaction data based on matching amount and date. If this box is selected, you can further refine this detection feature by flagging transactions that also have matching reference number and/or vendor name.
- Send Errors to: enter email address where any error messages should be sent.
- Send Alerts for duplicate transactions to: enter email address where any alerts should be sent.
- Currency: select the currency for this transaction feed.
Click the OK button to save your configuration settings.
Corporate Card Transactions: Business Credit Card Login Credentials
Once you’ve completed the Corporate Card Configuration Settings, you’ll now see a tab to the left of “Integration Setup” called “Cards”. You are now able to enter the login credentials for the cards and initiate the transaction feeds.
To add a credit card:
- Navigate to *Integration tab > Cards tab.
- Choose new feed from drop-down menu.
- Click the Add Cards button.
- Use the search function (magnifying glass icon) to find your financial institution.
- Select your financial institution - this should present a window asking for the card credentials.
- Enter the online banking login credentials for the card you wish to add and click Authorize. The system may take a few moments to authorize the card integration. If the results show multiple accounts, check off which account is to be fed to Nexonia.
Once the card is authorized and integrated, click OK.
Tip: When integrating a Business Credit Card with multiple child cards or subcards, enter the login credentials (User ID and Password) for the top-level or primary card. Note that some source types may require a separate feed for each individual card; in this instance, you may need to add each card individually.
Once the card is integrated, you'll want to run an initial import of any available charges.
Corporate Card Transactions: Credit Card Transactions Transfer
Once the credit card is added, click Transfer > OK to initiate the initial transfer, and bring any recent transactions directly into Nexonia.
Transaction feeds may load anywhere from 30 - 60 days of historical transactions on the initial transfer
This will import transactions and display the number of transactions imported. Otherwise, it will display an error message. If transactions are imported, the next steps are assigning the card imported on the new feed, filtering out any old charges which you've already reconciled and mapping the card to the integration software.
Your Business Credit Card is now integrated with Nexonia. Credit card transactions will be transferred daily and automatically in Nexonia, allowing you to conveniently link transactions directly to your expense reports!
Corporate Credit Cards: Assigning Transaction Feeds to Users
Link: Assigning New Company Credit Cards to Users
Corporate Credit Cards: Filtering Out Old Transactions
Link: How to Ignore Corporate or Business Credit Card Transactions
Mapping Credit Card Exports for Integrated ERPs or Accounting Software
Link: Mapping Company Paid Credit Cards to QuickBooks
Link: Mapping Company Paid Credit Cards to Cash Management (Intacct)
Link: Mapping Company Paid Credit Cards to Accounts Payable (Intacct)
Link: Mapping Company Paid Credit Cards to NetSuite
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