By default, Nexonia will map the description, reference, and vendor information from a credit card transaction into the expense item memo field. These pieces of information can also be mapped into other fields in Nexonia - either native or custom fields. One of the most common examples is mapping the credit card's paid to merchant ('Vendor') to a dedicated custom field.
Link: Creating Custom Fields in Nexonia Expenses
To send the credit card description, reference, and vendor fields to a native or custom field in Nexonia:
Log in to Nexonia as an administrator.
Go to Setup > Company > Features.
Click the Edit button to edit the features list.
Scroll down to the Expenses section, and you'll find the following features:
- Map Card 'Description'
- Map Card 'Reference'
- Map Card 'Vendor'
In the dropdown field for each, you can select where this value should be mapped to. This field will include any text type custom fields for expense items, any available native Nexonia fields, and "None.
If "none" is selected, the information will not be included on the expense item.
Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click the Apply button to update this setting.
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