Nexonia can export Company Paid credit card expenses to Intacct to create a Journal Entry.
Configuring the Company Paid Journal Entry Settings
Mapping for the credit cards and Intacct’s General Ledger module happens in the Nexonia Configuration Sync parameters
Navigate to: Integration/Intacct > Integration Settings > Configuration Data > Edit Parameters
- Depending on how the reimbursable expenses are being exported to Intacct, the control to enable Company Paid to be exported as Journal Entries will be in a different place:
- If exporting Expenses as Expenses Reports: go to Expenses tab and switch Enable Export Cards as Journal Entry to "Yes"
- If exporting Expenses as Vendor Bills: go to Expenses tab and switch Enable Export Cards as Journal Entry to "Yes"
- If exporting Expenses as Journal Entries: go to Expenses as Journal Entry tab and switch Export Corporate Credit Card to "Yes"
- Navigate to the Cards As Journal Entry tab
- The following are the key settings:
- Journal Entry ID = enter the Journal Entry ID from Intacct. This may be listed as the "symbol" identifying the GL in Intacct
- Description = Journal Entry description. By default this will be populated with the Nexonia expense report number and the expense item memo - other values can be placed here if needed
- Entry Memo = Journal Entry line item memo. By default this will be populated with the Nexonia expense report number and the expense item memo - other values can be placed here if needed
- Creation Date - your options are:
- Transaction Date (default)
- Posted Date
- Statement Date
- Export Date
- Send Account Payable - your options are:
- Single Account - enter the GL number for the AP account that the expenses will hit (note that they will also hit the individual GL accounts picked on the item level)
- Per Source - this will allow you to assign different AP accounts for each card source
- Line Item Details - for each line item dimension, you'll choose whether the value is:
- No = no value will be exported
- Item = the exported value is the same as the one in expense report
- Fixed = the exported value is different from the one in expense report
- Exported - your options are:
- per Source = this gives you a separate export drop-down for each card source. I.e. if you have three card sources, you have separate export options for each card source
- per Source, per Region = this gives you a separate export drop-down for each card source for each region. I.e. if you have three card sources and three regions, you have separate export options for each card source for each region
Depending on which Exported option you pick, you will see another tab named Cards As Journal Entry (per Source)/(per Source, per Region). In that tab you will see the following options displayed for each card source:
- Exported - all cards associated with the card source as exported
- Not Exported - none of the cards associated with the card source are exported
- Exported Per Card - all cards associated with the card source have their own Exported drop-down, giving you the option to choose which cards to export/not export (this option is only applicable if the card source contains multiple cards)
- If Send Account Payable was set to Per Source you'll see an Account Payable option for each card source; this has to be filled out in order to map the card source to an AP account
- Click OK to save your settings
You have now mapped your Company Paid charges to Journal Entries in Intacct.
Adding the Company Paid Journal Entry Export
You'll want to create a separate, dedicated export for the company paid transaction to export to Intacct. Let's show you how:
Navigate to: Integration/Intacct > Integration Settings > Add Data Integration
Click the "Add Data Integration" button.
You'll have to choose the Data Type. Select "Expenses".
You'll now see a window for the Data Integration settings:
- Name: enter the name for this export, i.e. "Company Paid Export"
- Export Receipts Using: if a PDF/Receipt export has been added to the data integrations, select it here to allow attachments to be exported to the Journal Entries
- Send Errors To: enter the email address for whomever should be alerted if there's an export error
- Active: check mark "Active" to enable this export
- Scheduling: if you want to enable a scheduled automated export, click the Edit option. You'll be able to set this as:
- Overnight (most common) - it can be set to export every night, or just specific days of the week by unchecking Everyday
- Hourly
- Integration Type: choose "Intacct". This will add two new tabs along the top of the Data Integration Settings:
- Filtering - allows you to filter which transactions should be included in this export. To ensure that only the company paid charges are included, select "Item Types" and check mark the Company Paid and Company Card types
- Parameters - Under Type, select Cards as Journal Entry.
Click the OK to the settings.
You will now have a new export available under the Expense Reports tab for company paid Journal Entries.
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