Nexonia can integrate with the Intacct Project module. This allows Nexonia to import the Customers and Projects dimensions from the module with the accompanying hierarchy, as well as several other options including Project Resourcing.
If you are synchronizing with Intacct’s Customer and Projects module, these settings define the defaults for the customer and project values in Nexonia, as well as billable defaults and project filtering options.
Note: the default values will apply to all customers and projects imported – if you change the defaults in the integration, they will only apply to any new customers or projects, not to the ones already imported in Nexonia.
You can edit the defaults for the individual customers and projects once imported into Nexonia.
To modify how Nexonia integrates Intacct dimensions:
- Click on the Integration/Intacct* tab on the far right of the menu bar, to the left of the Settings .
- Go to Integration Setup > Configuration Data > click the Edit Parameters link.
You should see a pop-up window with the Configuration Sync settings below.
To enable integrating with Customers and Projects from the Intacct projects module:
- Navigate to General
- Switch Synchronize Customers and Projects to “Yes”.
- You should now see a new tab called "Customers and Projects" appear in the Configuration Sync parameters.
We’ll walk you through the settings – any changes you make will save while you move from tab to tab. When you’re finished, make sure to click the OK button to save all the changes. Any changes will be applied the next time the configuration sync is run.
Customer and Projects Configuration Settings:
Customer Type: External or Internal
Project Name Field: defines what Project Name the Nexonia User will see:
- Project Name - use the Intacct project name
- Project ID - use the Intacct project ID
- Project ID - Project Name - use the Intacct project ID - Intacct project name (e.g. 000 - Project 0)
- Project Name - Project ID - use the Intacct project name - Intacct project ID (e.g. Project 0 - 000)
Projects Start/End Date: sync the start and end dates set on the project in Intacct
Filter Project by Project Status: sync the start and end dates set on the project in Intacct
Project Types: Nexonia Project Types can be created from a number of Intacct project options: Project Category, Project Class, Project Department, Project Types, Project Location
Expense Default Billable: sets the default Billable value for newly synced projects when the project is used in expenses – you can edit the individual defaults for each project once integrated into Nexonia. Example: setting all internal projects as Non-Billable and external customer based projects as being Billable.
- Yes (Overridable) - defaults to Billable 'Yes' but can be changed to Billable 'No'
- Yes (Non-Overridable) - defaults to Billable 'Yes', locked to Yes
- No (Overridable) - defaults to Billable 'No' but can be changed to Billable 'Yes'
- No (Non-Overridable) - defaults to Billable 'No', locked to No
Regular Projects: Default Expenses – should newly synced projects be automatically available to be used in the Expenses module:
If Yes: Projects coming from Intacct will be available for the Expenses module (most common)
If No: Projects coming from Intacct will NOT be available for the Expenses module -Customers > Projects > Choose one project > General Tab > Expense Reports
If Custom Field: Projects coming from Intacct will be available or not for the Expenses module depending on the value of a custom field set at the project level in Intacct
General Projects: Default Expenses – should newly synced General projects (a Customer with no projects in Intacct has a “General Project” value in Nexonia) be automatically available to be used in the Expenses module:
If No: Projects coming from Intacct will NOT be available for the Expenses module -Customers > Projects > Choose one project > General Tab > Expense Reports
If Yes: Projects coming from Intacct will be available for the Expenses module
Project Hierarchy: All, Top Level Only, Last Level Only
Customer Name for Projects without Customer: default is “General” but you can relabel that.
Customer Name Field: Customer Name Field: defines what Customer Name the Nexonia User will see: Customer Name, Customer ID or a combination of the two;
Project Resources: options for whether Nexonia should integrate the Project Resources and apply those project assignments on Nexonia.
Assign All to Non-Limited Projects: assigns all users to any non-limited (non-restricted) projects.
Synchronize Project Restrictions: sync Nexonia’s project permissions with the Intacct Project – User Restrictions – typically enabled for Timesheets.
Project Managers: Whether or not to sync the manager listed on the project in Intacct. This can be useful if approvals are being routed to the project manager
Filter Customers Using Intacct Field: filter which Customers should be integrated into Nexonia using an Intacct custom field ID.
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