These instructions will assist with building a summary report to capture any timesheet users who have not created any time entries in a given date range.
A separate report can be created to capture any timesheet users who have created a time entry but not yet submitted the entry or if it's unapproved.
Link: Reporting Template: Draft and Unapproved Time Entries, Summary
The ability to build and run reports is linked to your Role permission. Administrators typically have this permission built in to their role, and can grant it to other roles if needed.
Link: Configuration Guide to Roles and User Permissions
Designing Your Report: Creating the Report Template
Login to Nexonia on the web and navigate to the Reporting module.
Click the Create Report button to start the report configuration.
You'll see the General tab appear. Enter the following:
- Name and Description
- Type - select Time
- Summary - select Yes
Click the Add button.
You should now see the five tabs for configuring the report:
- General - general information and sharing permissions
- Selection Criteria - report template filters and defaults
- Columns - data columns for the report
- Categories - data categorization for the report
- Order - order of the report results
Important: as you update the settings in each tab, it's important to hit Apply at the bottom of each tab to save your changes before moving to the next tab.
Most of the information will have been provided on your initial General screen. Here you can also configure:
- Shared - allows the report template to be private, shared with all other users or specific roles
- Header & Footer - you can enter information you'd like to see in the report header and footer
Selection Criteria
This tab allows you filtering of the report data to be included. A number of fields can be set as hidden or visible to users running the report, set with defaults, or locked in with a predefined selection.
For this report, the key values are:
- Date Range - establishes the date range range of entries being pulled when this report is run.
- Date Range - Interval - this will be the default date range when a user runs this report.
- People - this will be the list of users whose data will be included in the report. By default it will include everyone visible to you based on your role permission. You can limit this to specific subsets of users or predefine which users will be included.
- Status = Check off all the values in order for the report to properly pull all the time entries and zero values.
- Data for All Users - required, this setting will include all users including any who have no time entries created for the given date range.
For summary reports, you'll want to move to the Categories tab next. Categories controls which data values are available in the Columns tab for summary reports.
Click the Add link on the left and select the Category of data to include from the dropdown menu. Include the following:
- User
- Week or other relevant period
Columns (Data)
The Column tab is where you define what information you want to include in the report. We’ve included some columns of data that can be useful, but you can choose to add others, remove columns or sort them in a different order. Click Add and select the column value below.
For this report, include these three values:
- Week or relevant period
- User - Full Name
- Duration
Note - do not include Status. The Status column will result in two entries for each user - time with a status and time without a status.
Order is what order are the results being outputted in. For example, you could sort the results by Date, then by User.
You have now completed building your reporting template.
Running Your Report
Under the Reporting module, you should see the reporting template you have just built. If you’re not seeing it, double check you don’t have a filter enabled.
Click the Action link to the left of the reporting template and you should see a dropdown menu with your Run option.
You’ll now see your Selection Criteria for the report. Make any selections if needed, and then click “Run”.
Tip: for the report format, use HTML if you want a pop-up with the results, PDF if you want a copy of the report to print, save or email, and .CSV if you want to open the report in a spreadsheet program in Excel -this can be useful for filtering the values to only view users with zero hours reported.
Here is a sample of the results:
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