When a new credit card source has been added to your Nexonia environment, you'll need to update the Configuration Parameters to map the new card for your Xero export.
To update the credit card export mapping:
Navigate to Integration* > Integration Setup
*may be relabelled as "Xero" in your Nexonia interface
Navigate to the Configuration Data box and click the Edit Parameters link to access the configuration parameters.
Navigate to the tab labelled Expenses - Page 2. This is where the export values and preferences are set.
*may be relabelled as "Xero" in your Nexonia interface
Navigate to the Configuration Data box and click the Edit Parameters link to access the configuration parameters.
Navigate to the tab labelled Expenses - Page 2. This is where the export values and preferences are set.
Scroll down to the setting Export Cards. Select how the card transactions should be exported to Xero.
Depending on where credit card transactions are being exported to in Xero, you'll need to select a corresponding Xero value to support the export:
Export As: | Select: |
Bank Transactions | GL Account for the credit card transactions |
Vendor Bills | AP Vendor for the credit card |
Once you've made your selection, you'll see additional set up tabs appear:
Cards as Bank Transactions
If sending as Bank Transactions, use the "Cards as Bank Transactions" to map the cards to the Xero accounts. You can map the card source to a single account - choose from the dropdown - or "per card" which will open additional tabs that allow you to map the individual cards to accounts.
Cards as Vendor Bills
If sending as Vendor Bills, use the "Cards as Vendor Bills" tab to map the cards to the Xero vendors. You can map the card source to a single vendor - choose from the dropdown - or "per card" which will open additional tabs that allow you to map the individual cards to vendors.
Once you've made your selections, click the OK button. Your settings have now been updated and any fully approved expenses based on the credit card transactions will export to Xero.
Tip: if you don't see the GL Account or AP Vendor you need, ensure it's been added in your Xero and run the Nexonia configuration sync to update the list of GL and Vendor values in Nexonia.
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