The Nexonia Travel app is a great way to book your travel on-the-go. This article will show you how to download and register for the Nexonia Travel app.
Before you begin, check your Nexonia Travel Profile to make sure that your corporate email address is in the email address field in the Profile Personal Information section. Personal email addresses cannot appear in this field.
Step 1: Download the Nexonia Travel App from the Android or Apple Stores.
Step 2: After the download is complete, select the Register Button. Complete the information in the Sign-up area and be sure to use the same email address connected to your Nexonia Travel profile. Also, be sure to enter your full Company name as given by your travel manager.
Please Note: If you don't have your Company name, contact your Travel Administrator. If you don't enter this information, you won't be able to book travel.
Step 3: When the registration is complete, you'll receive a confirmation email that contains an authorization link. Click the link to approve your account and begin booking travel from your mobile app.
Please Note: If you don't receive the confirmation email, check your spam folder. If you do not click the authorization link from the email, you cannot access the mobile app.
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