These instructions will assist with building a time off balance report which can be used by admins or shared with users so they can run a quick report on their time off balance for a specific period.
The ability to build and run reports is linked to your Role permission. Administrators typically have this permission built in to their role, and can grant it to other roles if needed.
Link: Configuration Guide to Roles and User Permissions
Designing Your Report: Creating the Report Template
Login to Nexonia on the web and click on the Reporting module.
Click the Create Report button to start the report configuration.
You'll see the General tab appear. Enter the following:
- Name (e.g. "Time Off Balance")
- Description
- Type - select Time Off
- Summary - select Yes
Click the Add button.
You should now see the five tabs for configuring the report:
- General - general information and sharing permissions
- Selection Criteria - report template filters and defaults
- Columns - data columns for the report
- Categories - data categorization for the report
- Order - order of the report results
Important: as you update the settings in each tab, it's important to hit Apply at the bottom of each tab to save your changes before moving to the next tab.
Most of the information will have been provided on your initial General screen. Here you can also configure:
- Shared - allows the report template to be private, shared with all other users or specific roles
- Header & Footer - you can enter information you'd like to see in the report header and footer
Selection Criteria
This tab allows you filtering of the report data to be included. A number of fields can be set as hidden or visible to users running the report, set with defaults, or locked in with a predefined selection.
For this report, the key values are:
Date Range - establishes the date range range of entries being pulled when this report is run.
- Interval - you can default the period of time most commonly used when running the report: Current Year, Current Quarter, etc.
People - you can set whether the person running the report can select the people to be included in the report results, or lock down the values by using the "predefined" option.
Subset - default to which people will be included in the report. The most commonly used options:
- Default to user - select this if the report is intended so users can report on their own time off balance.
- Default to user and subordinates - select this if the report is intended so managers can report on time off balances for themselves and their subordinates.
- Default to all visible users - select to include all available users in the results. This would be useful if running department or company wide reporting.
Approval - default to "Approved", but if you need to see time off requests that are in the pipeline, you may want to turn on some of the other statuses.
Format - if there's a preference, you can set the default output format for this report.
For summarized reports, it is imperative that you set categories first, then take a step back to columns after.
Categories can be used to group the results and create subtotals for the distance and amount:
- User - group the results by user
- Bank - group the results by the time off type
- User Bank - group the results by the user's time off type
Columns (Data)
The Column tab is where you define what information you want to include in the report. We’ve included some columns of data that can be useful, but you can choose to add others, remove columns or sort them in a different order. Click Add and select the column value below.
Column Name |
Value |
Purpose |
User - Full Name | Person | Name of the employee |
Bank - Name | Type | Name of the type of request |
User Bank - Booked Balance | Booked Amount | Booked amount for the type |
User Bank - Used Balance |
Used Amount |
Used amount for the type |
User Bank - Remaining Balance (Current) |
Remaining Balance |
Remaining amount for the type |
User Bank - Total Accrued in Reporting Period | Accrued Amount | Accrued amount for the period being reported on |
Order is what order are the report results being sorted. For example, you could sort the results by user.
You have now completed building your reporting template.
Running Your Report
Under the Reporting module, you should see the reporting template you have just built. If you’re not seeing it, double check you don’t have a filter enabled.
Click the Action link to the left of the reporting template and you should see a dropdown menu with the 'Run' option.
You’ll now see your options based on the Selection Criteria you set for the report. Make any adjustments if needed, and then click Run.
Reading Your Report
Here’s an example of our Time Off Balance, run as a .CSV and opened in Excel. You can now identify exactly how much time off has been booked, used and is remaining.
Whenever you see a blank type, but there have been values booked and used, that is representative of one of your Tracked types.
If you see blank rows for employees, that means they have not made any requests for 1 or more of their banks of time.
Here’s an example of our Time Off Balance, run as a HTML or PDF.
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